Breast disease is associated with hormone secretion. When endocrine function is disturbed, the breast hyperplasia, pain and other issues will be very easy to appear, and even cause cancer may be. Plump tall and straight breast is the dream of every woman, and in reality, breast disease has become an important killer of women’s health.

What food in the daily life is a breast killer?

1, high oil and sugar food. Fried foods, cheese, sweets and other foods due to fat, sugar and other content is too high, it will cause the body to absorb heat too high, resulting in excessive intake of cholesterol. Cholesterol will accelerate the formation of estrogen in the body, interfere with endocrine stability. Breast disease is associated with hormone secretion, when endocrine function is disturbed, the breast hyperplasia, pain and other issues will be very easy to appear, and even cause cancer may be.


2, meat. Meat, of course, is an indispensable nutrient in life, but if you eat too much, it’s also bad for the breasts. Meat eating too much, not only excessive intake of calories, but also eat more cholesterol. And cholesterol will stimulate the body to secrete more hormones, and the vast majority of breast lumps are related to hormone secretion.

2, high salt food. The amount of sodium salt and other elements of the food, will let women keep more fluid, easy to make breast swell, increase breast discomfort.

4, coffee. Work stress, life stress, not girls love to drink coffee to refresh. However, the coffee contains purine can promote breast hyperplasia, and breast hyperplasia and breast cancer incidence. Secondly, excessive intake of coffee, cola and other stimulating drinks, easy to increase the body fluid of the breast tissue, increase the sense of swelling of the breast, so that the breast is not comfortable.

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