“Dysmenorrhea is not a disease, it is a pain to kill people.” This is probably a lot of women’s voices, at a certain time each month, the total sick but desperate, no solution. The female friends with this problem may wish to try the following 5 kinds of fruit, might have the effect.

Dysmenorrhea women must have five kinds of fruit

1, durian

The taste of durian is not acceptable to everyone, but it is indeed good for dysmenorrhea. After taking durian has the function of activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis, if women dysmenorrhea take durian can be very good to ease the pain, it is very suitable for those who will take women dysmenorrhea. In addition, often taking durian also can effectively improve the abdominal cold, the body’s temperature rises.


2, orange

Related studies have indicated that, if enough calcium and vitamin D is added to the female, this syndrome can be greatly alleviated. Because calcium can inhibit the brain of depression, anxiety, and vitamin D can control the decomposition enzymes that convert tryptophan to serotonin to control emotions. On the other hand, yogurt is rich in lactic acid bacteria, will also promote digestion.

3, litchi

Litchi fruit tastes sweet and juicy, let people lead a person to endless aftertastes. In addition to the flesh, litchi core is also a treasure. Litchi core has a lower blood fat, regulating blood lipid disorder, the role of the line of gas, and so on, female friends to eat before eating litchi to relieve dysmenorrhea have a very good effect.

4, apple

Red wine stew Apple has a role in the relief of dysmenorrhea. Practice: the apple with a knife cut into crescent, put the apple into the milk pot, pour in red wine before Apple, with the fire simmer for 15 minutes, turn off the heat, apple soaked in wine after two hours, you can eat.

5, mulberry

Now is the season to eat mulberry, and in this season, the mulberry boiled cream, add honey and stir can take, nourishing yin and blood, improve irregular menstruation symptoms.

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