Now that the holidays are coming and whom also who smallest amount makes a trip to the beach or go to a pool to cool off, it is when the decisive moment arrives in the mirror. Put on a bikini or swimsuit can become a frightening for those who do not have enough care during the winter, but do not give up. The laggards are still time to get in form and get the body you would like to see reflected in the mirror. By following, these tips even arrive!

Reduce intake of carbohydrates

More and more specialists who advise us to eat fewer carbohydrates (pasta, rice, bakery, etc.) because they become very difficult to remove fat, constitute a real bomb for our purpose of reducing volume, and improve our appearance. Remember, the only carbohydrates you should consume are those that provide fruits and vegetables.

Keep your intake of fats and proteins

Recent studies have shown no relationship between fat intake and cardiovascular disease or obesity. Therefore, we can smooth consumption, always within reason, and ensuring that they type fatty acids omega-3 containing foods like fish salmon, anchovies, sardines, tuna, etc. seafood and nuts as almonds or walnuts.

The number of daily meals

An ideal diet should include five meals, but this maxim should be adjusted according to the physical wear of each. If the rush is not allowed to cook you come home too tired for this or you just want to give an award, you can always replace one meal a protein shake that also will help you avoid snacking what you should not.  Although you see results quickly it is advisable to continue working on them to continue to get better and maintain long-term

Practice aerobic exercise

Swimming and running are two excellent exercises to improve the figure because they involve the movement of all areas where more often than not accumulate fat and help tone the muscles. If you take a long time without working out, you should go to your doctor first to make sure your body is well and can practice exercise. You have to start small. You can do it with 15 minutes and gradually increase the time gradually to 60. Note that the body starts to burn fat when you take 30 minutes exercising. With three or four times, a week is enough.

Look not on weight but the volume

With this diet we are what we intend to get better the appearance of our body to reduce the volume and turn fat into muscle, so do not expect the needle scale go down. Likely to stay, but the clothes and the mirror will demonstrate you the differences. With these tips you can begin to see changes in a week, although it is advisable to continue working on them to continue to improve and uphold the long term.

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