
Photo: ELLE

So, your New Year’s resolution is to get in shape—for real, this time. You’ve joined the gym, you’ve bought some kickass running shoes; now, all you need is a game plan. And, here it is: We enlisted celebrity trainer and fitness enthusiast Lacey Stone to set up a daily schedule that starts January 1.

For the best results, you should never do the same workout over and over again. You’ve got to switch things up, so Stone breaks down the month of January into three categories below, plus meditation and rest days.

Hard-Strength Training: Boot camp classes, cross-fit, personal training sessions.

Cardio: Running, spin, jumping rope, boxing, dance.

Toning and Stretching: Yoga, Pilates, barre.

Sure, this workout schedule is highly demanding, but once you complete the 31 days, you will already feel like you have lived up to your resolution and will have set yourself up for an amazing and proactive year ahead. We suggest printing out this article and sticking it on your fridge, so you can track your progress.


We start 2015 on a Thursday, so this shorter week will ease you into the challenges ahead.

JAN 1: Cardio. Try a spin class to start out the month. Don’t worry if you are a little worse for wear from your New Year’s Eve festivities; the room tends to be dark so you can go at your own pace and the music will help you get through it.

JAN 2: Hard-Strength Training. Sign up for a boot camp class, but be sure to start out with lighter weights if you are new.

JAN 3: Meditation. You now have two great workout days under your belt, today, take some time for your soul. Think about what you want out of 2015, meditate on it, and ask for guidance on having the best year of your life.

JAN 4: Toning and Stretching. Take a yoga class on the last day of your first week. Next week will be your first full week, so stretch up and get your mind focused.


Photo: ELLE


This week will not only have a focus on working out, but nutrition as well. Your week two assignment from Stone is to journal everything you eat and drink during the entire week, including alcohol.

JAN 5: Cardio. Take another spin class. If you liked the instructor you had last week, try him or her again. If not, try someone else’s class.

JAN 6: Hard-Strength Training. Try another boot camp type class, same deal with the instructor.

JAN 7: Toning and Stretching. Take a barre class. It will not have as much impact on your body as spin and boot camp, but it’s a great way to tone.

JAN 8: Cardio. Get a change of scenery and run outside for anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes.

JAN 9: Toning and Stretching. Go to yoga.

JAN 10: Cardio. It’s time for your third spin class. If you didn’t like your first two instructors, you should try out a new studio.

JAN 11: Rest Day. It’s Sunday! Take a break and congratulate yourself on completing your first full week.


After a day of rest, you will head into your hardest week of the month. You can stop writing down everything you ate, but see if you can make an appointment with a nutritionist for Jan 14th.

JAN 12: Hard-Strength Training. Boot camp.

JAN 13: Cardio. Run outside again, but try it for a little longer and take a different route.

JAN 14: Toning and Stretching. Go to Bikram yoga. The room will be very hot, but it is something everyone should try at least once. If you can, today is also the day you should meet with a nutritionist to go over your diet. Bring the food journal you completed last week, and try to get a better understanding of what you need to do to be healthy from the inside out.

JAN 15: Hard-Strength Training. Take another boot camp-type class.

JAN 16: Cardio. Spin.

JAN 17. Toning and Stretching. Sign up for a Pilates class to strengthen your abs and core.

JAN 18: Hard-Strength Training. It’s time for your third boot camp of the week. (We told you it would be the hardest.)


Photo: ELLE


You made it through the hardest week, congrats! Stone suggests always picking a week out of the month that you’re going to “bring your best.” Make the weeks leading up to it building weeks, and the week after it a little less intense. Try to schedule a meeting with a personal trainer for Jan 21st.

JAN 19: Rest. You deserve it!

JAN 20: Cardio. Try something totally different today and take a dance class.

JAN 21: Hard-Strength Training. Set up an appointment with a personal trainer. He or she will give you a physical assessment and make sure you have good form. Be sure to ask a lot of questions. If it is too expensive (though, many trainers give their first session for free), work out with a buddy today.

JAN 22: Cardio. Run for a little longer today outside or on the treadmill.

JAN 23: Toning and Stretching. Take a barre class.

JAN 24: Cardio. Get your endorphins up with another spin class.

JAN 25: Meditation. Focus on all that you have accomplished in the first month of the year so far, and think about how you’re going to carry it on past January.


This week will be a little less intense then the one before and a little more fun. Go into it feeling proud.

JAN 26: Hard-Strength Training. Take your last boot camp type class of the month or meet with your trainer again.

JAN 27: Free Day! Do you whatever ever workout you enjoy most whether it was the dance class, yoga, or going on a run.

JAN 28: Cardio. Take another spin class if you love it, but if you’ve realized it’s not really your thing, try boxing.

JAN 29: Toning and Stretching. One final yoga class.

JAN 30: Toning and Stretching. Take a barre or pilates class.

JAN 31: Cardio. For your final workout, take a 20-minute run with a playlist of your favorite seven songs blasting in your ears. Congrats, you made it!

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