Toe cramps can occur suddenly and cause pain in your foot. But what exactly causes toe cramps?

If you experience toe cramps frequently, you may be dehydrated or wearing shoes that don’t fit you well.

5 Common causes of toe cramps

When you get a toe cramp you will feel a sudden pain, as if your big toe is curling in. It also makes the top half of your foot cramp painfully.

Toe cramps can happen to any of the digits at the end of your foot and it is always painful and unpleasant no matter which toe is cramping up.

Toe cramps happen when the muscles that flex and bend your toes involuntarily contract.

But what causes toe cramps and how can you prevent them?

According to Dr. Sondema Tarr, a board-certified podiatrist and foot surgeon at Direct Podiatry Arizona in Tempe, pain is your body’s way of telling you that “something is going awry.”

Usually, there are easily fixable reasons behind toe cramps.

You’re dehydrated

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