The big, mean tough guys you see on the screen when you tune into your favorite ring might be big and muscular, but they’re also actors playing a persona. When they’re not on-screen they are actually people with real lives and real families. These knockout fighters are often happily married or in committed relationships – often with knockouts of a different type.
Getty Images Photo by Paul Kane
Here’s a list of some of the wives and girlfriends of your favorite heels, faces, and superstar wrestlers, including some who have spent time in the ring themselves…

CM Punk & AJ Lee

We’ve seen plenty of times when life imitates art, thanks to the acting skills of wrestling. This time, it’s three-time Divas champ AJ Lee and real-life husband CM Punk – real names April Mendez and Phil Brooks respectively – who mingled in real life after beginning an in-ring relationship in 2011.

At first, AJ was hooking up with CM Punk’s on-screen rival, Daniel Bryan, before the writing had her give him the cold shoulder. It ended up being a pretty good decision since the two wrestlers have been married since 2014. Isn’t that just adorable?

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