I was twenty-seven years old when I saw a glimpse of how I would perceive the world in the future. Of course I didn’t realize it at the time, but the events that would follow from that time in my life would alter my views and beliefs forever.

I went on an inner journey to discover what it was that I should do with my life. I had felt lost most of my life. I never really wanted a regular job. I didn’t like the idea of working until I was 70 so I could “retire”. Heck, I didn’t like the idea of working period. I wanted something more with my life. I wanted meaning. To do something that aligned with my non-conformist ways of how I perceived the world.

Before this time, I just didn’t know what that was. I was continuously searching for something that I couldn’t find. Then something happened. I had a thought that came to me out of nowhere. This may sound a little weird, but I told myself that everything is connection. Everyone and everything was connected in the world and I knew it. I felt a sense of relief and for the first time in my life I knew that this meant something.

Searching for Clarity

The search to discover what exactly my epiphany meant was going full steam down a road that would soon become as clear as the autumn sky. Through a little research and a strong desire to learn about the connection between all of us, I found what I had known all along. I had found myself, rather the person I wanted to be. The guy that used to question everything, who always tried to get along with everyone, and who wouldn’t stand for the status quo. These traits were always inside of me, I just didn’t use them to their full potential.

How it all started

I had tried to follow the grain. Tried to do what everyone else does and get a job. I did this for 10 years. Between 30 some jobs and a couple brief adventures to other parts of the United States, I still wasn’t satisfied. Something had to change and it did. It just wasn’t the change I had truly wanted. I went back to the place where I had grown up, found a job with alright pay, married the love of my life, and started a family.

I decided to stop searching and settle down. After a couple years, I started to get that urge again. The urge that wanted me to continue with my dreams of meaning, for my life.

You see, I was always what you would call a “dreamer”. If you were to ask me, I would tell you that I think everyone is a dreamer. It turns out, that’s not the case. There are many people I know that tell me they are content with the status quo. They say they are fine with living the “normal” life.

“Normal”, Really?

What normal means to them, I have no idea. I think they just mean they wish to live their life with the people they care about while doing what they have to do to make a living. It seems to me that most of these people aren’t really paying attention to the world outside of them. They have preconceived notions that the job they have been at for 10 years, will always be there. They think that their 401k account will continue to rise and has no risk of falling. They believe that when they reach retirement age, it will still be there.

Now if you ask me, that’s some pretty big dreaming in itself. The way the world looks today with the economic crisis and the world crisis in general, just goes to show that nothing is certain. The systems that may have worked in the past will not work in the future. As time passes, processes and systems change. What worked well 50 years ago, isn’t doing so hot today. That too is showing with the crisis in today’s society.

So there I was. Married and father to a beautiful little girl, yet unable to give them the life that they deserve. The life that everyone deserves. My wife started to get sick after giving birth and after 3 years of searching for an answer, she was diagnosed with chronic pain and fibromyalgia. Unable to work, the labor rested on my shoulders. I was fine with that, just not the way I was doing it. I refused to become another zombie, walking through life ignoring the true meaning of what we are capable of. Of what should be.

This world should be one of fulfillment and abundance for all humanity, yet over 80% of us hate what we do. Why? Because we are brainwashed into believing we have no other choice. We live in a society that seeks profit over sustainability. That’s reason enough for wanting to change the world. I wanted to be the change for what I saw was wrong with the world.

Back to Present Day

After a couple years of researching, learning, and trial & errors, I decided that what I wanted to do with my life, could also be what I did with my life, as far as necessary income was concerned. I was drawn to the Internet and the connection it allowed us to have with one another. Although it is not the same as physical connection, the Internet allows us to enter into any environment of our choosing and connect with others. We can be who we are and be surrounded by others who are like us.

I knew that what I wanted to do was to spread the message about world and personal change and now I knew how I would do it. I started a website. It didn’t take long as I had spent the past two years learning all things related to starting what would essentially be dubbed an online business. I prefer to look at it as an online community for everyone who wants to change their lives circumstances and see the world become a place that it should have been all along. Sustainable for the future, the end of profit for greed, and the abundance and fulfillment of all life that is very much possible.

You see, when we use our human connection abilities for change and cooperation, we can do anything. We just need to spread the message that shows the world what is possible and what is necessary to have a sustainable world in the future. Times are changing and it is time for all of us to rise to a new level of existence. Our systems need to change as well as our values and ways of thinking on how we view the world.

All about Blogging

So I started a website. A platform to build a community to support my message. I won’t go into much detail here as it’s another topic entirely, but I started writing and did even more writing, followed by making connections. I write every day because I enjoy it. I connect with people every day because it is what is necessary to be heard.

See, as natural as it is for us to connect with one another, it is equally as hard because we want to do it alone. Our individuality surfaces and quite frankly, we don’t want to connect with people. If it isn’t because we don’t want to, we are either afraid to, or worse yet don’t know how. We don’t know how to make the connections we need to make because of our egos and fear.

These are just some of the messages that I write about on Unplugged Recreated. This is my passion. This is what I love to do. I can’t stand it when I see someone who is unhappy with their life and feel they can do nothing about it. The world is in crisis and it hurts me to see that the saga continues year in and year out. These are the reasons why I started Unplugged Recreated. To share with the world that there is another way. To show those people that there is another way for how they live their lives. That what they believe, is possible in their lives.

Connecting for Change

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times. The number one trait that everyone should have is the ability to connect with others. This is the most important aspect to everything in the world. Whether it is for friendship, relationships, business, change, issues, sustainability, knowledge, teaching, etc. There is nothing more powerful than human connection.

That’s what I am doing. That’s what you should be doing too. To make and use connections is my focus and you know what? It’s working. I have been connecting with many influential people who have the same goals as I do and it has been wonderful. You don’t realize how fulfilling it can be to see the possibilities of what could be, right in front of you. And it starts and ends with connection.

Looking Ahead

With the future of the world an uncertain one, I will do my best to be a positive voice for change. I am very optimistic for what may come, yet feel a need to hurry in my actions to help others and promote change in their lives. After all, that’s what it’s about. It’s about helping others. If my help only comes from giving someone courage enough to make a small change in their own life for the better, than I will be happy.

Making changes in your own life will ultimately help in making changes in the lives of others. This is progress and progress is moving forward. Both for your life and all life. I have a lot of work to do. It takes time, effort, desire, and connection to get to where we want to go.

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