A person holds up a dryer sheet in front of a pack of dryer sheets sitting next to a bottle of glitter nail polish.

If you’re savvy with your money, there’s a good chance you might do your nails at home. After all, a DIY manicure is markedly cheaper and does take less time. But for those who love glitter nail polish, removing your hard work can be a real chore. Enter: a dry sheet.

Glitter nail polish is notoriously difficult to remove, but thanks to the rough texture of dryer sheets, it can be made simple.

Typically when removing your own glitter polish, you’ll dunk your finger into a tub of polish remover and swirl it around hoping for the best. When you do this, though, bits of the foamy sponge inside the container can be scratched off due to the rough texture of the glitter on your nails. Basically, you end up with bits of sponge on your fingers and a lot of leftover glitter.

Even if you go another route and use a cotton pad or ball and liquid remover, the cotton is what ends up sticking to your half-glittered manicure. It’s not cute or fun, and it’s almost enough to make you swear off glitter altogether, but don’t despair.

All you need to do is soak a dryer sheet in polish remover. Ring it out (you don’t want polish everywhere), and then use the soaked dryer sheet to remove the polish instead of a cotton pad or cotton ball. The rough texture of the sheet helps scratch off the glitter, and unlike cotton, it shouldn’t adhere to your nails, making a mess.

The next time you want to DIY a manicure and have glitter on your mind, go for it. Just be sure you’ve got dryer sheets on hand when removal time rolls around.

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