Jump Rope Workout: Burn Fat and Get Sexy

Get Energized with this Fat-Burning Routine

As much as the fitness industry keeps advancing, there’s still something to be said about keeping things simple and not being so focused on the clutter.

This is why I’m still a big believer in the jump rope. It’s pretty much one of the most classic pieces of fitness equipment you can find, but it’s still totally effective – especially when it comes to burning fat and getting you pumped up for your workout. No B.S., it simply just works.

What makes it so good?

Jump rope is essentially a full body workout. It gets you moving your entire lower body, as well as engaging your abdominal and core muscles and toning your arms while you’re at it. Just the basic motion of jumping off the ground involves the coordination of your entire body.

Plus, it works up a killer sweat in just a few minutes. I like to throw it in at the end of a hard workout, or use it as a warm-up. But you can also make a whole routine out of jumping rope, and that’s what you’re going to get today so you can reap the rewards tomorrow!

A Killer Jump Rope Routine to Burn Fat

So in terms of equipment, all you need is a jump rope. You can easily knock this one out at the gym, or grab one of these Harbinger Jump Ropes to keep at home, and save yourself the commute. And of course you also need a little space.

Here are the moves. Just run through them in sequence (should take about 20 minutes). If you have some extra time, start over at the beginning and get out as much as you can.

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