Come February, a collaboration between rapper Iggy Azalea and shoe mogul Steve Madden is set to release. But just weeks before the unveiling, a “random Tumblr page” released photos of headless models and focused solely on crotch shots, fueling Iggy into a Twitter rant against Steve Madden.

According to HuffPost Style, viewers of the page saw images of Iggy with text blocks saying “Modern-day Spice Girls,” and “Unapologetic, loud and fun.” While Iggy did not authorize the publishing of these photos, they did match the images that Iggy Instagrammed last year.

And Iggy wasn’t afraid to say, or rather Tweet, what she was thinking, starting with “@SteveMadden kinda ruined the creative direction when u added those gross extra pictures to a random tumbler page I had no part in creating.”

She continues on, saying “Tainted with these God awful images that Steve madden took appon themselves to create and share without my knowledge. Gross gross gross.” And to top it all off, Iggy tweeted,

Iggy is clearly not happy with the resurfacing of these photos, and when the Huffington Post reached out to a Steve Madden rep for a comment, they answered,

“This was a lover’s quarrel. We love Iggy and are very excited about our collaboration. When you get two artists working together sometimes there are fireworks. It’s our creative differences that allow us to design an incredible collection and we are looking forward to sharing it with the world!”

Iggy’s tweets have since been deleted and the Tumblr page is now password protected, but the strange images are still on the Internet.