Sixty-five-year-old Richard Aiken is an extraordinary man. Over the years, he has learned and mastered many talents. He’s a husband, a father, has two Ph.Ds and a medical degree, has worked as an opera singer, and is the author of lifestyle book “The New Ancestral Diet.” He is also amazing with his hands, and as you will soon see, knows his way around a fixer upper. How is it possible that one man can do all this? I’m not sure, but keep reading to watch him turn an old log cabin into an unbelievable sight.

The Beginning

Richard had been considering acquiring a house out in the woods for some time. Isn’t it everyone’s dream to have a hideaway out in the woods, where you can relax and get in touch with nature?

Waking up to birds chirping, stepping outside your home and being surrounded by trees and animals, and most importantly, no cars or pollution. That seems like a dream come true. Honestly though, probably not ideal for getting to work and school. And where’s the closest supermarket? Maybe this wouldn’t be your first choice for your main residence.

The Wreckage

Richard was under the impression that a second home would be a considerable expense, but when he got some info from a man in Missouri about an ancient, decrepit cabin out in the woods, he had an idea that he could remake it into the kind of home and life he had always dreamed of.

Richard paid $100 for the land, including the run-down cabin. The owner was not very interested in the property and even offered it to Richard for free, but he insisted on paying him something.

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