Foam Roller Exercises

Improve Recovery = Stronger Muscles

Without a doubt one of the most overlooked factors in most workouts is recovery and many of us go through agonizing muscle and joint pain without implementing a good solution to reduce the pain.

Recovery gives our bodies time to regenerate after the stress applied during exercise. This is especially important for your muscles, because every time you work them out, you’re actually tearing them.

It’s then that as your muscles heal they increase in strength and size. Adequate recovery is essential to this process, and will actually lead to better results.

Even if you’ve already prioritized your recovery, you may not have realized the utility of a foam roller.

This simple fitness tool can do wonders for your muscles, offering an effective means of self-massage that totally boosts recovery. Plus they can help you better manage back, knee, and hip pain.

If you find you’re sore a lot after your workouts (or just in general), this tip will be one  you’ll be really happy you came across.

So if you haven’t yet pick up a foam roller, and give these simple exercises a try. If you’re looking to get one for your home, this one is the best one I’ve ever come across since the grooves help provide release for your tight muscles – Go Fit Foam Roller.

5 Easy Foam Roller Exercises to Enhance Recovery

Foam Roller Exercise #1 – Upper Back

For this first one, place the roller on the floor and rest your upper back against it, so that it’s pressing against your shoulder blades. Plant your feet on the floor with knees bent (note that your buttocks and lower back should be lifted off the floor). Place your hands behind your head and engage your core muscles. Slowly roll back and forth on the roller, so that it moves between your middle and upper back. This is a great one for upper back pain.

Foam Roller Exercise #2 – Lower Back

Scoot up a bit, and now rest your lower back on the roller. For balance, rest on your forearms behind you, so that your upper back remains off the ground. Your feet should remain planted in front of you. Slowly roll back and forth, massaging your lower back.

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