Dr. Peter McCullough, a respected internist and cardiologist, told lawmakers at a March 4 hearing hosted by Pennsylvania Republican state Sen. Doug Mastriano that at least 95 percent of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in the U.S. could have been prevented with early treatment.

McCullough, who has often warned against mass vaccination against COVID-19, testified as an expert witness in the hearing. Dr. Bryan Ardis, a chiropractor and medical researcher; philanthropist Steve Kirsch and Attorney Thomas Renz also testified.

Medical experts and lawmakers discussed at the hearing the four pillars of pandemic response, the brokenness in medicine today and how to unite Pennsylvania under the banner of Medical Freedom.

According to McCullough, transmission only occurs from someone who is acutely ill to a susceptible person. He said lockdowns, social distancing and other preventive measures don’t need to be enforced for individuals who are perfectly healthy.

McCullough also discussed the importance of early treatment drugs like fluvoxamine, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin since various studies have proven that multi-drug therapy for COVID-19 significantly reduced the risk of hospitalization and death by as much as 95 percent. He said that these early treatment drugs shouldn’t be controversial, especially if they could have been used to prevent coronavirus in many patients.

Renowned for being the most published person in his field and an editor of two major medical journals, McCullough warned against vaccine mandates calling for the inoculation of children with experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

Risks of vaccinating children far outweigh potential benefits

McCullough said that based on publications of representative data, it is obvious that the risks of vaccinating children “far outweigh the potential benefits.” He added that there have been multiple reports of teenagers experiencing fatal negative side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines in the past several weeks.

The cardiologist was referring to a pre-print study released on February 14, which was conducted to study the autopsy microscopic cardiac findings in adolescent deaths that occurred shortly after receiving the second Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 dose.

In Connecticut, two teen-aged boys died on days three and four after taking the Pfizer vaccine. The parents of both boys were shocked to find the children dead at home.

The autopsies performed on the teenagers revealed that the vaccines caused the deaths “with massive heart inflammation and evidence of superimposed catecholamine injury on the heart.”

McCullough warned that despite evidence to the contrary, both the authorities and Big Pharma insist that these dangerous COVID-19 vaccines are pushed, encouraged and mandated. (Related: Altered DNA? Dr. Peter McCullough discusses dangerous long-term effects of COVID-19 “vaccines”.)

As a physician and as a public citizen, McCullough said that all vaccine mandates should be dropped immediately and that all current vaccines should be pulled from the market and “undergo a very intensive review on safety and efficacy” to determine where the vaccine program has gone wrong.

As of March 18, almost 1.2 million adverse events linked to the coronavirus vaccines have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). To date, the reported cases also include 26,059 deaths, 143,554 hospitalizations and 37,133 cases of heart inflammation or myocarditis.

Visit Vaccines.news to read more articles about the side effects of COVID-19 vaccines.

Watch the video below as panelists from the documentary “Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth” talk about whether or not it’s safe to take the coronavirus vaccine.

This video is from the Marine1063 channel on Brighteon.com.

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