CrossFit Exercises

CrossFit Exercises

If you’ve spent a lot of time in the gym or hung out with any fitness fanatics, you’ve probably heard a lot about CrossFit.

And after hearing of things they do you probably were like me and intimidated to give it a try. There’s a certain level of intensity or ‘craziness’ to CrossFit exercises that makes them pretty scary to beginners.

I understand feeling intimidated – I was once a beginner myself and there are still exercises today that make me laugh because they are so challenging simply because my muscles aren’t used to that variation. But the only way to make significant improvements in your workout is to push yourself into uncomfortable zones. And CrossFit offers the perfect opportunity for workout growth!

I’m going to help you out a bit and offer 5 ‘beginner’ CrossFit exercise routines. If you’re a total beginner to the world of fitness, I suggest giving yourself a few weeks of more typical workout methods before attempting these.

What Exactly is CrossFit?

The philosophy of CrossFit is based on the idea that the most effective exercises are ones that incorporate your multiple muscle groups across your entire body. There’s no isolation in CrossFit workouts. Instead, there’s an attempt to mimic more natural, full-body movements in order to better condition your body overall.

Not surprisingly, CrossFit exercises are used for police training, in military workouts, and by professional athletes looking to improve their overall strength, coordination, and agility. My experience as a personal trainer has taught me that CrossFit exercises are a great addition to the average workout, and they increase gains in an entirely new way.

5 CrossFit Workouts for Killer Results

Here they are, 5 intense CrossFit exercise routines to boost your physical performance and get you seeing amazing results! Each routine can be completed in under 20 minutes, which makes them the ideal addition to your current fitness program.

CrossFit Workout #1 – Up & Down

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